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Case Study:ITPEERS SA's Expansion in South America


Scope: Company Expansion Project in South America

Project Period: 2014 - 2019

Role: Director of Expansion and LATAM Business



This case study outlines IT Peers SA's strategic project initiated in 2014 to expand into the Latin American market. It covers securing an initial investment, meticulous planning, local resource acquisition, and innovative strategies. Over five years, the project exceeded targets, marked by new subsidiaries, partnerships, and significant revenue growth, contributing to the narrator's professional journey.



The project faced challenges in fundraising, operationalizing expansion, risk management, and budget control, requiring resilience and strategic innovation.



The project utilized a comprehensive approach, blending strategic planning with practical execution. It involved fundraising through detailed financing proposals, establishing contacts with potential investors, and partnering with relevant stakeholders. The operationalization phase ensured meticulous project planning and the management of milestones, with the engagement of a dedicated team. Resource allocation involved strategic hiring and training. To address unforeseen challenges, the project implemented risk management procedures, continually innovating and rigorously managing the budget.

  • Lessons Learned:

  • Strategic Alignment: Ensuring that the project aligned with the company's strategic objectives from the beginning was crucial. This alignment helped secure the initial investment and establish a clear direction for the expansion.

  • Effective Resource Management: Strategically allocating resources, both in terms of personnel and finances, played a pivotal role in achieving successful implementation.

  • Adaptability: The ability to adapt to unforeseen challenges and make informed decisions to mitigate risks was essential for the project's success.

  • Continuous Innovation: Staying at the forefront of technology and innovation was a driving force behind the project's achievements.

  • Financial Prudence: Maintaining strict control over expansion expenses and managing the budget diligently attracted additional investors and ensured financial stability.

  • Team Resilience: The dedication and resilience of the project team were instrumental in overcoming obstacles and crises.

  • Effective Partnerships: Collaborating with local businesses, start-ups, and global partners was a key strategy to establish a strong presence in target regions.



In 2014, in alignment with the strategic objectives of the Portuguese technology company, IT Peers SA, I embarked on a fundraising process by developing a financing project aimed at supporting its international expansion into the Latin American market. In this phase of the project, I established contacts with potential investors, financial institutions, government agencies, foundations, and other stakeholders. However, it was the approval of the business plan by the European Investment Fund that enabled me to secure the initial investment tranche amounting to €800,000.




Following this pivotal approval, I entered the operationalization phase, where every tactical aspect of project planning and implementation was meticulously defined. To ensure a successful implementation, we strategically allocated our management and operations team to closely monitor all project milestones and objectives. Additionally, we hired and trained local resources to effectively cover our target business verticals. In some geographical regions, we pursued the acquisition of local startups with niche products, while in others, we engaged in mergers with companies specializing in specific business segments. We also established strategic partnerships with global collaborators to create an efficient physical presence and geographical distribution in our key target regions.




We set in motion our communication and marketing plan, participating in industry-specific trade shows, conferences, and workshops. We conducted webinars and engaged with specialized magazines. Along the way, we encountered numerous unforeseen challenges, identifying, managing, and mitigating previously unforeseen risks. Much of our success was attributed to the resilience and dedication of the team I had the privilege to lead.




We continually developed new products and services, leveraging cutting-edge technology. This approach was complemented by stringent budgetary management of expansion expenses, ensuring that the project remained within the pre-established budget. Thanks to these guiding principles, we were able to attract additional investors who shared our strategic vision. This support played a crucial role in driving the company's consolidation and paving the way for the second phase of investment and expansion.




This professional project constituted a comprehensive challenge that significantly expanded my skill set. It fortified my decision-making capabilities, refined my analytical reporting skills, and solidified my leadership processes. As we navigated through challenges and crises with resilience, we overcame obstacles and difficulties, allowing me to refine my strategic vision and enhance my risk management expertise.

Over the course of five years, we not only achieved but exceeded our initial objectives. This included establishing two new subsidiaries in Mexico and Brazil, forming partnerships with 15 additional companies across Colombia, Peru, Chile, and Panama, welcoming more than 25 new team members, and achieving substantial revenue growth, surpassing $2.5 million within the first three years. These milestones were pivotal in consolidating our presence both regionally and globally, and, personally, this project marked the beginning of a new professional phase for me.

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Urban Clouds

"Dr. Santos Silva is a high excellence Skilled professional, truly a diplomat with expertise in international business relations.“

Jorge Alberto Yarte Sada
VICE - Presidente and Co-founder at CCILM (Portugal-Mexico Chamber of Commerce and Industry)


Trabalhei em vários projetos com o Jorge Santos Silva no papel de diretor de mercados, em todos eles o Jorge coloca muita exigência, foco e uma motivação contagiante. A sua polivalência na liderança de pessoas em diferentes contextos multiculturais e em múltiplos projetos em simultâneo, permite-lhe destacar-se como um excelente profissional, mas também como um colega respeitado pelos seus pares com o qual também tive prazer de ter trabalhado.

Engº Valter Fernandes (Product Manager at Farfech)


I highly recommend Jorge as a Business Development Manager.

Since 2017, I have been impressed by his catching personality, his drive, push and innovative approaches to capture the Latin American market with the products and services under his umbrella. 

German Rodriguez (IT Director)
Stefanini Colombia

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